Julia Przychodzka
Leader Sales & Product Management
IMPAG Chemicals Poland Sp. z o.o.
The needs of humans and animals overlap and have potential for development in a growth market. Product development is complex and our experience shows that marketing, regulation, supply chain and technology can only lead to a good result if they are considered together.
Many people are being confronted with increasing demands on their body and mind. The pace and mental strain of working life are increasing. This is even spilling over into private life and social time with friends and family, making it very important to keep a healthy metabolism and maintain a full and balanced diet of high-quality foods. Just like us humans, our pets can also develop health problems, and giving them preventive care for their physical health is a special concern of pet owners. The importance of nutrition, moderate exercise and socialising only continues to increase as we age, whether we have pets or not.
Not everyone has access to a “perfect” diet, or a way to fit one into their daily routine. Instead, they turn to simpler solutions or supplements, and demand for these is high both online and offline.
Influencers who give tips on nutrition and food supplements and present new routines are enjoying growing popularity. Their numbers of followers on social media are climbing fast. With 340 million pets in Europe, of which there are 104 million dogs and 127 million cats, sales in the pet food industry have recently grown by 5% annually. (FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood Report 2022) It is no surprise that there are many people wanting to help their pets get their optimum nutrition.
The number of substances that can be used in producing food supplements and additives is almost overwhelming. The supply chains for ingredients are global and very complex. The regulations and limits in force must be complied with. In the selection of each substance, there are many factors to consider for both humans and animals.
Our experience shows that any new development or change to a product can only happen after making a number of preliminary considerations. We recommend taking the following factors into account for an efficient development phase:
How do I want to position my product? IMPAG can offer you novelties, innovations, European raw materials, natural substances, and other options.
Does the idea fit into the existing product line? We are happy to take your existing products or dosage forms into consideration.
What kind of effect do I want to achieve? General health, mental health, support for the immune, digestive or cardiovascular system, joint health, skin, hair, or coat.
What labels do I want to comply with? Kosher, Halal, Vegan or Bio/Organic.
Is my substance of interest approved for the planned application? For which target country is my product intended?
Does the product have an official EFSA claim (European Food Safety Authority)? It is a good idea to have a clear understanding of the applicable regulations at an early stage.
Is the product adequately documented? Are there scientific studies on its effects; are the studies credible and representative? The requirements on the quality of data from manufacturers can vary greatly.
Is the product available in the desired quantity? What is the minimum order quantity? Is the supply chain secure or at risk? Some plant-based raw materials are only available seasonally and in limited quantities. European authorities can ban the import of individual substances from certain countries at short notice. We support small, mid-sized, and large companies with their projects. The minimum quantities, container sizes and capacities available must be in line with anticipated demand.
Can I process the substance into the planned dosage form? Highly viscous pastes cannot be processed into a powder, and many solids are limited in how well they can be processed into a homogeneous powder. Every company has different production facilities, processes, and expertise. The processability of raw materials plays an important role.
IMPAG works exclusively with qualified suppliers and offers comprehensive solutions for humans and animals. Our product catalogue features innovative active substances, plant extracts, amino acids, and numerous functional ingredients. We will introduce you to selected products to support general health, stress, immune, joint and energy issues.
Talk to us, we will be happy to help you.